Apostolic Bible Seminary was established in 2019. It is our mission to help increase and enhance biblical knowledge and understanding. We have a systematic approach that will encourage all religious backgrounds, as we study systematic approaches to the Word of God.
Apostolic Bible Seminary offers both Certificate and Degree Programs. We're fully Accredited by the National Bible College Association (N.B.C.A). ABS is also affiliated with Dr. Bell Apostolic Bible College.
For more information you can contact us at 618.512.1106 or 314.437.4008
God bless and Shalom
Degree Courses 
Biblical Aspects and Principles: During this course students will learn Biblical terminology and how to apply it to their studies. This will assist students in becoming more astute in God's Word.
Dispensations: During this course students will learn the periods of time in which God has deals or have dealt with man. 
Covenants: During this course students will learn the various promises and agreements God made with man, a particular person or nation.
Seven Feasts of Jehovah: During this course students will do a comparative study of the Creation of the World and feasts of the Lord.
The Godhead: During this course students will perform a study of God in his character and his various manifestations.
The Names of God: During this course students will extensively study God through his various names. The study will consist of Hebrew to English terminologies we relating to manifold works of God.
Prophesy: During this course students will learn fundamental precepts as they relate to the study of Biblical Prophecy. Both political and ecclesiastical as it is revealed in the books of Daniel and Revelation.
Church History: During this study students will complete the study of the beginning of the Christian Church. From inception up to its current existence. This study is a comparative study of world religion.
Fundamental Doctrine of Salvation: During this study students will learn the basic Doctrines that are perquisites before a person can be classified a Christian/Saint of God.
Sinology: During this course students will do an extensive study of sin, and their various classifications such as unchastity, Ire-religiousness, malignity, and excessiveness. 
Lovology: During this course students will do a study on the fruit of the Spirit and lifestyle as the result of salvation.
The Twelve Mysteries of God: During this course students will complete a study of the meat of the word and that will result in a perfect and matured saint who will never fall.
Homiletics: During this course students will study the Art of preaching. Students will learn the objective rather than the allegorizing of true meaning.
Hermeneutics: During this course students will complete an analytical study of the word of God. This is a very exhaustive study of the word of God which includes; the textbook, context, and text.
Bible Outline: During this course students will complete a comprehensive study of the Bible book. Students will examine the meaning and division of each book.
Eschatology: During this course students will complete a study of the Doctrine of last things and end times. Students will not only individuals but creation, second coming, four last things in Ecclesiastes death, hell, judgement, heaven.
Thesis/Dissertation: Students will complete a final presentation of a previous protracted study in a specified field. The final will consist of a dissertation or an apologetic worded declaration and individualized compilation of thirty thousand words or more on a specific subject.
The completion of these courses will result in a Doctorate Degree